SAP R/3 3.0d
Useful System Adm. Transactions
- AL01 SAP Alert Monitor
- AL02 Database alert monitor
- AL03 Operating system alert monitor
- AL04 Monitor call distribution
- AL05 Monitor current workload
- AL06 Performance: Upload/Download
- AL07 EarlyWatch Report
- AL08 Users Logged On
- AL09 Data for database expertise
- AL10 Download to Early Watch
- AL11 Display SAP Directories
- AL12 Display table buffer (Exp. session)
- AL13 Display Shared Memory (Expert mode)
- AL15 Customize SAPOSCOL destination
- AL16 Local Alert Monitor for Operat.Syst.
- AL17 Remote Alert Monitor f.Operat. Syst.
- AL18 Local File System Monitor
- AL19 Remote File System Monitor
- AL20 EarlyWatch Data Collector List
- CREF Cross-reference
- DB01 Analyze exclusive lockwaits
- DB02 Analyze tables and indexes
- DB03 Parameter changes in database
- DB11 Early Watch Profile Maintenance
- DB12 Overview of Backup Logs
- DB13 Database administration calendar
- DB14 Show SAPDBA Action Logs
- DMIG Start Transaction for Data Migration
- RLOG Data migration logging
- RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor
- RZ02 Network Graphics for SAP Instances
- RZ03 Presentation, Control SAP Instances
- RZ04 Maintain SAP Instances
- RZ06 Alerts Thresholds Maintenance
- RZ08 SAP Alert Monitor
- RZ10 Maintenance of profile parameters
- RZ11 Profile parameter maintenance
- SA38 ABAP/4 Reporting
- SARA Archive management
- SARL Call of ArchiveLink Monitor
- SARP Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute
- SART Display Reporting Tree
- SCC0 Client Copy
- SCC1 Client Copy - Special Selections
- SCC2 Client transport
- SCC3 Client Copy Log
- SCC4 Client administration
- SCC5 Client Delete
- SCOM SAPcomm: Configuration
- SCPF Generate enterprise IMG
- SCU0 Table Analyses And Comparison
- SCU1 Table Comparison - Export to Tape
- SCU2 Table Comparison Against Tape
- SCU3 Table History
- SE01 Transport and Correction System
- SE02 Environment Analyzer
- SE03 Transport Utilities
- SE06 Set up Workbench Organizer
- SE07 Transport System Status Display
- SICK Installation Check
- SM01 Lock Transactions
- SM02 System Messages
- SM04 User Overview
- SM12 Display and Delete Locks
- SM13 Display Update Records
- SM21 System log
- SM23 System Log Analysis
- SM28 Installation Check
- SM30 Call Up View Maintenance
- SM31 Table maintenance
- SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
- SM36 Batch request
- SM37 Background job overview
- SM38 Queue Maintenance Transaction
- SM39 Job analysis
- SM49 Execute Logical Commands
- SM50 Work Process Overview
- SM51 List of SAP Servers
- SM54 TXCOM maintenance
- SM55 THOST maintenance
- SM56 Number Range Buffer
- SM58 Asynchronous RFC Error Log
- SM59 RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)
- SM60 Borrow/Return Objects
- SM63 Display/Maintain Operating Mode Sets
- SM64 Release of an event
- SM65 Background Processing Analysis Tool
- SM66 Systemwide Work Process Overview
- SM67 Job scheduling
- SM68 Job administration
- SM69 Display/Maintain Logical Commands
- SMEN Dynamic menu
- SMGW Gateway Monitor
- SMLG Maintain Logon Group
- SMLI Language import utility
- SMLT Language transport utility
- SP12 TemSe Administration
- SPAD Spool Management
- ST01 System Trace
- ST02 Setups/Tune Buffers
- ST03 Performance,SAP Statistics, Workload
- ST04 Select activity of the databases
- ST05 SQL Trace
- ST06 Operating System Monitor
- ST07 Application monitor
- ST08 Network Monitor
- ST09 Network Alert Monitor
- ST10 Table Call Statistics
- ST11 Display Developer Traces
- ST22 ABAP/4 Runtime Error Analysis
- ST62 Create industry short texts
- STAT Local transaction statistics
- SU01 Maintain User
- SU02 Maintain Authorization Profiles
- SU03 Maintain Authorizations
- SU10 Mass changes to User Master
- SU11 Maintain Authorizations
- SU12 Mass Changes to User Master Records
- SU20 Maintain Authorization Fields
- SU21 Maintain Authorization Objects
- SU22 Auth. object usage in transactions
- SU30 Total checks in the area of auth.
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