REPORT ZZBGS030 MESSAGE-ID 00 LINE-COUNT 65 LINE-SIZE 132 NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Description: This program list all functions module regards to the * * selection criteria. * * * * Customizing: You need not to make any customizing to use this program* * * * Change of You only have to check that tables, functions and * * release: includes till exists. Bedst just to check and run the * * program. * * * * Programmer: Benny G. Sørensen * * Date: July 1995 * * SAP R/3 2.2F * * * *-------------------------------Corrections----------------------------* * Date Userid Correction * * xx-xx-xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* TABLES: TFTIT "Function module titles . DATA: BEGIN OF FUNCTIONS OCCURS 100. INCLUDE STRUCTURE TFTIT. DATA: END OF FUNCTIONS. DATA: L TYPE I, REPL(30) TYPE C VALUE '????????????????????????????'. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <P>. PARAMETERS: FUNCTION(30) TYPE C, TITLE(74) TYPE C LOWER CASE DEFAULT ' ', DOWNLOAD(1) TYPE C DEFAULT ' ', FILENAME(65) TYPE C DEFAULT 'c:\SAP\DOC\?', EXCEPT(30) TYPE C DEFAULT ' '. START-OF-SELECTION. IF FUNCTION = ''. FUNCTION = '*' . ENDIF. IF TITLE = ''. TITLE = '*' . ENDIF. TRANSLATE FUNCTION USING '*%'. TRANSLATE TITLE USING '*%'. CONDENSE EXCEPT NO-GAPS. L = STRLEN( EXCEPT ). IF L > 0. ASSIGN REPL(L) TO <P>. ENDIF. SELECT * FROM TFTIT INTO FUNCTIONS WHERE SPRAS = SY-LANGU AND FUNCNAME LIKE FUNCTION AND STEXT LIKE TITLE. IF EXCEPT NE ''. REPLACE EXCEPT LENGTH L WITH <P> INTO FUNCTIONS-FUNCNAME. ENDIF. TRANSLATE FUNCTION USING '% '. CONDENSE FUNCTION NO-GAPS. IF FUNCTIONS-FUNCNAME CS FUNCTION. WRITE:/ FUNCTIONS-FUNCNAME, ' ', FUNCTIONS-STEXT. APPEND FUNCTIONS. ENDIF. ENDSELECT. IF DOWNLOAD NE ''. CALL FUNCTION 'WS_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING FILENAME = FILENAME FILETYPE = 'WK1' "ASC, WK1, DBF, DAT, bin TABLES DATA_TAB = FUNCTIONS. ENDIF. AT LINE-SELECTION. SET PARAMETER ID 'LIB' FIELD SY-LISEL(30) . CALL TRANSACTION 'SE37' AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN.