* This function module can be called from a C program to list the * active users of the system. The structure ZTEST has to be created * by se11. * FUNCTION Z_TST. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local interface: *" TABLES *" A STRUCTURE ZTEST *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: OPCODE TYPE X VALUE 2. DATA: BEGIN OF USR_TABL OCCURS 10. INCLUDE STRUCTURE UINFO. DATA: END OF USR_TABL. CALL 'ThUsrInfo' ID 'OPCODE' FIELD OPCODE ID 'TAB' FIELD USR_TABL-*SYS*. A-A = 'CLIENT USER LAST_ACCESS_TIME EXT_SESS INT_SESS'. APPEND A. CLEAR A. LOOP AT USR_TABL. A-A+1(3) = USR_TABL-MANDT. A-A+8(12) = USR_TABL-BNAME. A-A+21(8) = USR_TABL-ZEIT. A-A+37(1) = USR_TABL-EXTMODI. A-A+46(1) = USR_TABL-INTMODI. APPEND A. ENDLOOP. ENDFUNCTION.