REPORT YWEBHELP. * This program is used to define a transaction ( e.g. YWEB ), that * can be started from the help menu of the sapgui. * When started, it runs netscape and opens the root web page of * the company's help pages. * If the default location of the netscape is not correct, the program * starts a file browser window to locate it. * To set it up, you have to create a new transaction with se93 and * modify the statuses of menusyst using se41. DATA: FILE(100), CHECK(12), RC LIKE SY-SUBRC, I TYPE I. FILE = 'Y:\apps\windows\netscape.exe'. PERFORM START_NETSCAPE. IF RC = 1. DO. CALL FUNCTION 'WS_FILENAME_GET' EXPORTING DEF_FILENAME = 'netscape.exe' DEF_PATH = 'c:\' MASK = ',*.*,*.*.' MODE = 'O' TITLE = 'Please specify the locaton of netscape.exe' IMPORTING FILENAME = FILE EXCEPTIONS INV_WINSYS = 1 NO_BATCH = 2 SELECTION_CANCEL = 3 SELECTION_ERROR = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF SY-SUBRC = 3. EXIT. ELSEIF SY-SUBRC = 0. PERFORM START_NETSCAPE. IF RC = 0. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDIF. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM START_NETSCAPE * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM START_NETSCAPE. I = STRLEN( FILE ). I = I - 12. CHECK = FILE+I(12). TRANSLATE CHECK TO UPPER CASE. IF CHECK = 'NETSCAPE.EXE'. CALL FUNCTION 'WS_EXECUTE' EXPORTING PROGRAM = FILE COMMANDLINE = 'file:///c:/basfhelp/index.htm' INFORM = '' EXCEPTIONS PROG_NOT_FOUND = 1. RC = SY-SUBRC. ELSE. RC = 1. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "start_netscape