*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Form: OUTPUT_INTERNAL_TABLE * * Used for printing contents of any internal table without knowing the * * table name or the structure before runtime. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form output_internal_table tables Itab using table_name. data: begin of struct_tab occurs 50. include structure dfies. data: end of struct_tab. data: ix type i. field-symbols <output>. * Get information about table structure for the table to output call function 'GET_FIELDTAB' exporting tabname = table_name langu = sy-langu tables fieldtab = struct_tab exceptions no_texts_found = 1 others = 2. loop at itab. "loop through the internal table with the data write sy-uline. new-line. do. "loop through the structure table read table struct_tab index sy-index. assign component sy-index of structure itab to <output>. if sy-subrc <> 0. exit. endif. if <output> <> space. write: / struct_tab-fieldtext(20), ': ', 30 <output>. endif. enddo. endloop. endform.